The most stupid tax plan ever invented In the history of mankind !

Mr. Steingrimur J. Sigfusson, Iceland“s finance minister is coming up with a new tax, sowing below. Now you have to pay for a nice relaxing sitIcelandic-rats-266x300 down in the Nationals Parks of Iceland, Mr. Sigfusson is acting be half of (or by order from) The IMF,  International Monetary Fund.

As some of you know the only thing The Imf like“s to do in Iceland is to financiale kill the Icelandic independence and take over the country, well everything, the geothermal  power, the electricity plants and without mentioning the fishing industry of Iceland and our clean water!

 So If you are in for or like some strange things, then get you camera over to Niceland and have some blosum fun making photos of the government people in Iceland I promise you will have fun just to look at them :)

So now we I show you:

 The most stupid tax plan ever invented In the history of mankind !

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